Login to Edge to access your child's attendance records and school reports, and to make online payments such as camp fees. You'll also have access to Newsfeed through which teachers provide regular updates around what's happening in classes.
A Portal to your Child's Information
Parents and caregivers are now able to access their child’s attendance, assessment reporting, Newsfeed and make school payments via the EDGE App. You can also do all this from the Caregiver Portal on our school's Management System Edge.
Check out the EDGE Caregiver Pack for support on accessing the App and the Portal.
We encourage you to login to the Edge App and Caregiver Portal now to access information regarding your child/children.
How to Log On
To log on, you must use the same email address that the school holds for you. This will be the one you provided with your child’s enrolment, and which you receive newsletters and other email notices from the school on.
Go to https://parent.edgelearning.co.nz/ and you will see the log in page as below:
Enter your email details into the email field.
Click on “Forgot Password?” to receive an email from MUSAC with a ‘reset password’ link.
Enter and save your password, then close that window and put your new password into the log in page.
Once you have access to the caregiver portal, you are then able to click on the name of your child and access their information regarding attendance, student reports and school payments.
If you have any problems accessing the portal, please email us at: reception@arahoe.school.nz