Our School

Proudly multicultural

Our school is lucky to have a wide multicultural diversity. There is no single dominant cultural group which means that everyone gets the chance to celebrate and stand strong in their own cultural background as well as getting to learn about and experience the cultures of others. This enables our ākonga and their whānau to be proud of who they are and where they have come from, and to understand how similar we are across the multicultural melting pot that is Tamaki Makaurau / Auckland.

Team Names

Our Year Levels are grouped into team with names that reflect their age and stage of development...

Ara Teina – Year 0–2

Teina means 'youngest sibling'. 

Students in the first two years at school can be guided by older students.

Ara Pakeke – Year 3/4

Pakeke means to mature or get older.

Students are on the stepping stones between Teina and Tuakana.

Ara Tuakana – Year 5/6

Tuakana means 'older sibling.

These students are the guides and leaders within our school

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