Digital Citizenship
A digital citizen understands the rights and responsibilities of inhabiting cyberspace.
Digital Citizenship at Arahoe School
An integral component of our eLearning at Arahoe School is the clear and consistent plan for the explicit teaching of Digital Citizenship. As we become more and more connected as a community through the internet and devices, we need to work together to ensure the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of all ākonga .
The staff at Arahoe School are committed to:
engaging in the use of new or different eLearning tools to raise student achievement
exploring the potential of student-led learning (through Seesaw and Google)
experimenting with new ways to share our teaching practice with our community
Digital citizenship combines the confident use of:
skills and strategies to access technology to communicate, connect, collaborate, and create
attitudes, underpinned by values that support personal integrity and positive connection with others
understanding and knowledge of the digital environments and contexts in which they are working, and how they integrate on/offline spaces.
And then, critically, for students to have the ability to draw on this competency of "digital fluency" to participate in life-enhancing opportunities (social, economic, cultural, civil) and achieve their goals in ways that make an important difference.
Digital Citizenship at Home
Our partnerships with our parent and caregiver community are important to us. With more and more of our learning being made available through devices, our consistency of care and support for students as Digital Citizens becomes increasingly important.
Netsafe NZ and Common Sense both have parent portals that support safer online and digital use at home. They provide up to date information and tips for setting expectations and boundaries with children and teenagers.
Seesaw Digital Portfolios
Empowering students to take ownership of their learning and to reflect on their progress over time.
Giving students tools to show what they know in the way that works best for them.
Creating a meaningful home-school connection so families can better support their child's learning.
If you have any questions, please see your classroom teacher or explore the Seesaw Help Center > Families .